Human Rights Day: Gerd Oberleitner looks at how to protect them

Study Info

Um Ihnen in den sehr arbeitsintensiven Wochen vor Semesterbeginn unnötige Wartezeiten in der Beantwortung Ihrer Anfragen zu ersparen, möchten wir Ihnen hiermit die korrekten Ansprechpartner für Ihre Anliegen in Erinnerung rufen:

Distant stars: Graz astrophysicists test new PLATOSpec spectrograph in Chile

A few weeks ago, the new, high-resolution PLATOSpec spectrograph was installed on the 1.52-meter telescope at the European Southern Observatory in La Silla, Chile. It is now delivering its first data, the so-called "first light". This will allow researchers, including astrophysicists from the University of Graz, to look even more clearly into the universe. The aim is to observe exoplanets and the stars around which they orbit.

Birthday present for Friederike Mayröcker

The Austrian poet would have been 100 years old on 20 December 2024. The Germanists Alexandra Strohmaier and Klaus Kastberger have analysed her work.

Take a break: psychologist at the University of Graz explains how to manage stress better

Completing the most urgent tasks in the office and quickly getting the last presents, before the Christmas holidays once again sap your energy, despite all the joy. Is it possible to arm yourself against stress? Yes, says Claudia Traunmüller. The psychologist from the University of Graz is researching how we can strengthen our resources and thus cope better with challenges. In addition to periods of relaxation, physical fitness and sufficient sleep are among the most important factors for stress resistance.